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Hardee Help Center

A Christ-centered community service organization bringing hope & healing to Hardee County families in difficult seasons of life. 


Strategic Coordinating
Church Missions Trips
to share the Gospel, disciple, & equip believers to continue
the mission.

Care Portal

Engages the church to be the solution to the needs of foster & adoptable children. The CarePortal is an exciting new initiative of our ministry that helps create a platform to connect churches & agencies to address the needs of hurting children & families.


Partners with local & global organizations, to unite people together to make a difference by serving others to change lives through Christ. 

Rivers Family

Missionary Family 
Serving in Kenya

Cooperative Program

Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through which cooperating Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of their state convention & the Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries.

Hardee County Ministerial Association

A non-denominational partnership between churches with the objective of sharing Christ to our community.

Orange Blossom Baptist Association

Our local Southern Baptist Association who partners to unify, encourage, & equip churches to make disciples.


Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

The primary way we support mission efforts in North America. One hundred percent of gifts given to Annie Armstrong Easter Offering are used to support Southern Baptist missionaries serving across the United States & Canada.

Children's Home
Florida Baptist Children's Home

Provides Christ-centered services to children & families in need.

Maguire State Missions


State Missions Offering reaching out into our state with the Gospel.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Starting in 1888, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® was established to empower the international missions efforts for Southern Baptists.  Giving enables missionaries to be sent to make disciples & multiply churches among unreached peoples & places for the glory of God.

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First Baptist Church, 4531 US Hwy 17 North, Bowling Green, Florida 33834

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